četrtek, 4. oktober 2007

You Might Be A Magician If ...

- You pay $50 for a $1 coin.
- You won’t play card games with your cards.
- While watching a movie or TV, you have cards in your hands.
- Your Christmas/Birthday wish list looks like a magic catalogue.
- You drive 300 miles round trip to visit a teeney-tiny store.
- You have over 100 responses to the phrase "How did you do that?"
- There’s a pack of cards in sight as you read these words.
- You actually want to go to a lecture.
- You get emotional when shuffling a new deck. (So true!)
- You have more than three decks of cards on you at any given time.
- After viewing magic on TV, everyone in the room looks at you asks, "How'd they do that"? And, all you do is smile and say, "It's really easy if you think about it, but magicians can't tell." And you're really thinking "How the heck did they do that"?
- You pay $60.00 for a book and get, possibly, one or two useful things out of it and you're happy.
- You have so much magic stuff in your room that it’s considered a fire hazard.
- You have more elastic bands than a stationary shop.
- You spend hours trying to rearrange the letters in your name to use on stage (only to come back years later using your real name).
- It really matters to you how someone shuffles your deck.
- "Bikes and Ho’s" is not a funny phrase to you.
- The majority of your English papers are about magic.
- You never throw out old decks because you "can make something out of it".
- You carefully watch a card-playing scene in a movie only to see what kind of cards they’re using.
- Your girlfriend knows the sound of riffled cards over the phone.
- You show your girlfriend the same trick everyday insisting that "I've improved it greatly".

Nekaj huronsko smešnih resnih o čarodejih. Danes sem jih opazil na enem izmed magic forumov, ki jih na kvarte obiščem. Izbral sem nekaj najbolj resničnih (vsaj zame) in moram priznat, da se mi zdi precej nerodno, da lahko enega človeka definira le nekaj stavkov ... Kaj hočemo, tako pač je. No, še dve najljubši trditvi - prva je o opazovanju katere vrste kart uporabljajo v filmih in pa zadnja, o nenehnem kazanju istih trikov punci. Oprosti Sara. :)

5 komentarjev:

Anonimni pravi ...

preberite celoten blog, kar dober

Anonimni pravi ...

Thanks :)
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Anonimni pravi ...

preberite celoten blog, kar dober

Anonimni pravi ...

haha, priceless! :)

Anonimni pravi ...

Ful dobra objava. :)